Sunday, February 29, 2004
3:12 PM
Been reading thru a few blog lately. One blog that get my attention big time would be a blog by
shaliza. An architecture student in Oxford. To my surprise I have been hooked to her fotopages for a few months before. Talking about coincidence! I would not explain more on why I am hooked to her blog. It just luv by most people – she been receiving more and more feedback every other day.
I just want to touch on the thing she wrote recently which is about why Malays people having a difficult time to accept people compliment. I personally would agree with the fact that Malays are difficult to accept compliments. The nearest specimen would be me. Whenever people start complimenting me I will start to dodge all those nicest words by saying
....maneder, isk...takde la. Oh self confident was not something that I am proud of. I have been asking myself where did al this thing start?And I do not even have a clue.*sigh* And I guess most of us are having the same problems too, right?
10:10 AM
Just realize the strange kueh that I bought is
7:47 AM
I went to the Batu Gajah morning market (macam pasar malam tapi belah siang) with friends and the intention to buy something. Lame dah kitaorg tak masak nie. Bile masuk pasar ajer dah tatau nak beli ape.Rambang mate. Plus the wet market was packed with people. Despite all the offer from penjual ayam, ikan dan sayur we end up not buying anything. This usually happen when we went without proper plan. *wink*
We then went for a window shopping on the dry market. We go for bargain hunting from one seller to the other. Being at this kind of place is a good thing for us to discover our own culture actually. Pernah tengok channel Travel dekat Astro?They even choose place like this kind of market to get to know other people culture. Food they eat, their customs, how they interact and etc.
I somehow manage to buy putu bambu ;one of Malays traditional kueh for this who do not know what putu bambu is. I have wanted to eat it for quite sometime. Then we went for one of the oldest restaurant in Batu Gajah for breakfast. We ate Tosai Telur *nyum**nyum* Believe it or not this is the first time I ate tosai telur. For those who have not taste or see tosai. (Adunan die macam buat lempeng/pan cake, rupa die macam crepe tapi saiz besar.).My friend wanted to eat nasik daun pisang but I urge her to eat tosai instead hahaha..just because I have not eat tosai before.Kak eeja pon nak makan tosai so 2 vs 1 and we won!! Next time kite makan nasik daun pisang pulak.
To-do-list in UTP
1. xxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxx
3. pergi bekelah dekat
4. makan tosai (COMPLETE)
P/s-so much of my list..Also bought 2 strange kueh from the restaurant.One each for experimental testing.
7:20 AM
I'm so relieved. I had already completed my first mission which is to get all the information for our Small Business and Entrepreneurship project After fighting so hard to concentrate in Computer Vision and Image Processing class my friends and I rushed to Ipoh.Thank God its Friday so we still have amble of time before office hour. Lunch hour hari Jumaat kan panjang sket.We had our lunch and Zuhor prayer at Kinta City and then proceeds to Greentown Business Centre area to find a perfect location for our so-called business. After circling the area a few times we manage to agree on this one spot. It is strategically enough for all of us.*wink*.We managed to get all forms required form KWSP and Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia. Our only bad encounter was with the bank people regarding the loan process.Diaorg tanak layan!!Tapi takpe itu pekara biasa.
After getting all the forms then we went for our second mission to perform an observation for out target customer. We went back to Kinta City. Since for the project we planned to open another franchise for Coffee Bean we had been hanging around Coffee Beans outlet to observed.Hahaha…we even cannot help ourselves to indulge the freshness and sweetness of the Coffee Beans aroma. Finally we went in for drinks.
I even able to complete my personal mission that day. Buying something for a very old friend of mine on her birthday. I was so relief that she like it so much.*sigh*. We been friend since form 1 so I’m pretty sure I know what she like.Am I right Joely?
Thursday, February 26, 2004
7:08 PM
just realize that I only have around 93days more on campus. Everybody started to become emotional and less rational when talking about this.
There are special moments
Our hearts can not erase
There are special times
That have memories to embrace...
There are special people
Whose love they freely share
To light our path in lifes road
A precious gem ...So rare
*sniff**sniff*now i am becoming emotional too *sniff**sniff*
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
4:09 PM
Saya hampir terlupa tentang email ini.Maklum la banyak sangat email-email yang di forward kan nie sampai tak sempat nak belek satu persatu.Anyway thanks to Kak Arma kerana tak putus2 menghantar email-email yang berguna. :)
I feel that this email is very enriching..rugi rasanya kalau ilmu berguna macam nie tak di kongsi
Hari Asyura' ialah Hari Kemenangan Nabi Musa a.s. dan
pengikut-pengikut baginda semasa menentang Fir'aun. Ini disebutkan di
dalam sebuah hadith dari Ibnu Abbas r.a katanya:
"Sewaktu Rasulullah s.a.w tiba di Madinah, baginda mendapati
Yahudi berpuasa pada hari Asyura'. Ketika ditanya tentang puasa mereka
itu, mereka menjawab: "Hari ini adalah hari kemenangan yang telah
diberikan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Musa a.s dan kaum Bani Israel dari
Kami merasa perlu untuk berpuasa pada hari ini sebagai suatu
kami padaNya." Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Kami lebih berhak
kamu dan Nabi Musa dalam hal ini." Kemudian baginda memerintahkan para
Sahabat supaya berpuasa pada hari tersebut."
(Sahih - Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Kelebihannya ialah dihapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu,
berdasarkan sebuah hadith dari Abu Qatadah, katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w
"Puasa Hari Asyura' menghapuskan dosa satu tahun yang lalu."
(Sahih - Riwayat Muslim)
Juga diriwayatkan daripada Ibnu Abbas r.a, di mana beliau
pernah ditanya mengenai masalah berpuasa pada hari Asyura'. Beliau
"Aku tidak pernah melihat Rasulullah s.a.w berpuasa sehari
pada hari Asyura' kerana mencari kelebihan iaitu fadhilat yang tidak
pada hari-hari yang lain selain dari hari ini. Aku juga tidak pernah
melihat Rasulullah s.a.w berpuasa sebulan penuh kecuali pada bulan ini,
iaitu bulan Ramadan."
(Sahih - Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Selain dari berpuasa pada 10 Muharram, sebaik-baiknya kita
juga berpuasa pada 9 Muharram sepertimana yang telah menjadi amalan
sahabat Nabi s.a.w. Dengan berpuasa pada sehari sebelumnya, kita
amalan orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani berdasarkan hadith dari Ibnu
r.a. katanya:
"Semasa Rasulullah s.a.w. berpuasa pada hari 'Asyura' dan
memerintahkan orang agar berpuasa pada hari itu, mereka berkata: "Ya
Rasulullah, ia adalah suatu hari yang dibesarkan oleh orang Yahudi dan
Nasrani." Maka jawab Nabi: "Jika datang tahun hadapan, Insya-Allah,
berpuasa pada hari kesembilan." Kata Ibnu Abbas: "Maka belum lagi
tahun hadapan itu, Rasulullah s.a.w. telah wafat."
(Sahih - Riwayat Muslim)
Pada tahun ini, 9 Muharram 1424H dan 10 Muharram 1424H
masing-masing jatuh pada 1 Mac 2004 dan 2 Mac 2004 iaitu pada hari
dan Selasa.
Kelebihan pada 10 Muharram
Setiap tahun, umat Islam menyambut tahun baru atau lebih dikenali Maal
Hijrah. Tahun ini, fajar awal Muharam menyinsing, Selasa ini. Mengimbau
kelebihan Muharam dalam kelendar Islam, bulan itu merakamkan banyak
peristiwa menarik, termasuk perjuangan para rasul dan nabi yang
dalam Al-Quran.
Disini ingin saya membuat beberapa catatan tentang kelebihan pada 10
Muharam. Umat Islam digalak melakukan pelbagai perkara sunat kerana
swt. menjanjikan ganjaran pahala yang cukup besar bagi mereka yang
mengamalkannya. Mengikut ulama besar, Syeikh Abdul Rahman Asyfuri, ada
perkara yang sunat diamalkan pada hari Asyura ( 10 Muharam).
* Puasa sunat hari Asyura. Allah menjanjikan pahala laksana seribu kali
haji, seribu umrah, seribu syahid dan diharamkan daripada neraka.
* Menjamu orang berbuka puasa. Allah memberi pahala, seperti memberi
sekalian umat Islam berbuka puasa.
* Solat sunat empat rakaat. Niatnya "Sahaja aku solat sunat hari Asyura
empat rakaat kerana Allah Taala". Pada rakaat pertama dan kedua selepas
Al-Fatihah, baca surah Qulhuwallah sebelas kali. Allah akan
dosanya walaupun sudah berlarutan selama lima puluh tahun melakukannya.
* Membaca Qulhuwallah 1,000 kali. Allah akan memandangnya dengan
rahmat di akhirat.
* Mandi sunat. Niatnya "Sahaja aku mandi sunat Asyura kerana Allah
Allah memberi kesihatan yang baik dan tidak sakit berat, pada tahun
* Memakai celak. Allah menjauhkan daripada sakit mata pada tahun itu.
* Memelihara kehormatan diri. Allah mengurniakan hidupnya
sentiasa diterangi cahaya keimanan.
* Bersedekah. Allah menjauhkannya daripada neraka sekadar jauh seekor
terbang tak berhenti-henti hingga ia mati dan diberi pahala seperti
bersedekah kepada fakir miskin di dalam dunia ini.
* Menyapu kepala anak yatim. Allah mengurniakan sepohon di
syurga tiap-tiap helai rambut yang disapunya.
* Menunjukkan orang sesat ke jalan benar. Allah memenuhkan
cahaya iman dalam hatinya.
* Menahan marah. Allah memasukkannya ke dalam golongan orang yang
* Memuliakan fakir miskin. Allah memuliakannya dalam kubur.
* Melapangkan belanja anak isteri. Allah akan melapangkan
hidupnya pada tahun itu.
* Membaca surah Al-Infithaar. Jika seorang banduan membacanya, Insya-
akan dibebaskan daripada penjara. Jika orang yang demam membacanya
mandi, Insya-Allah akan sembuh. Wallahualam.
Itulah yang kita harapkan sebagai balasan dan jasa-jasa bekalan yang
akhirnya menafaatnya kembali kepada kita sendiri yang mempunyai bekalan
yang banyak. Semoga Allah swt. memberi hidayah dan taufiq kepada kita
melalui jalan yang benar dan yang diredhaiNya di tahun baru Maal Hijrah
1424 ini. Amin!
Sekian Wassalam.
p/s=teringat masa buat bubur assyura di masjid..sape team ngan saya..hehe buat assyura version pantai timur..berjaga malam potong ubi,rendam beras..kenagan manis
7:13 AM
I had a pretty serious discussion with friends regarding our future. Job. Words that keep haunting all of us for as long as we haven’t got any offer. We had been trying to figure out where is our position as a PETRONAS scholar holder.
Like everyone knows PETRONAS had already outsourcing the Group IRM (Info. & Resources mgnt). Although the process is still not completed and there’s been a lot of hardbreak, frustration and tense among all PETRONAS staffs regarding the restructuring and their future in the organization they some how had overlook us. The students. As an IT student (referring to all PETRONAS scholar local or abroad) we had been in the dark for quite sometimes about our future with the organization. Are they making any plan for us? I am so confident that the idea of outsourcing Group IRM was never an overnight decision. They must be some panel or special task unit that had laid out the entire plan for this outsourcing. Would by any change there is also a plan for us? Compared to engineering student there was several advertisement by the student affairs unit regarding job opportunities from PETRONAS subsidiaries for them. As for us...None (except for the PETRONAS and Intel offer that that applied for both engineering and technology student where I’m quite sure there will be only a slim chance for us to get any jobs in PETRONAS.
Well…as for today we haven’t heard any new from PETRONAS Sponsorship Unit regarding this matter. And all of us had been waiting for that time to come. I also wonder what will happen to the IT & IS school in UTP. One of the reasons of its existence was to develop human resources that will be absorbed in the organization. But after they outsource Group IRM and let iPERINTIS take charge…*sigh*
Monday, February 23, 2004
11:11 AM
*sniff*sniff*my very own sketch book..
Sunday, February 22, 2004
4:19 AM
Dosa tanpa taubat sebabkan satu titik hitam pada hati
Ini adalah satu artikel yang saya petik dari laman web Raudhah::Tanam syurga Nan Indah.Menyentuh tentang peranan hati dan kaitan hati dan taubat.Mungkin artikel ini dapat kalau tak banyak pon sedikit memberi peringatan kepada kita di awal tahun baru ini. Saya juga bukan insan yang baik dan sempurna amal ibadatnya jadi mari kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar..
HATI adalah organ yang paling utama dalam tubuh manusia dan nikmat paling agung diberikan oleh Allah. Hati menjadi tempat Allah membuat penilaian terhadap hamba-Nya. Pada hatilah letaknya niat seseorang. Niat yang ikhlas itu akan diberi pahala oleh Allah.
Hati perlu dijaga dan dipelihara dengan baik agar tidak rosak, sakit, buta, keras dan lebih-lebih lagi tidak mati. Sekiranya berlaku pada hati keadaan seperti ini, kesannya adalah membabitkan seluruh anggota tubuh badan manusia. Maka, akan lahirlah penyakit masyarakat berpunca dari hati yang sudah rosak itu.
Justeru, hati adalah amanah yang wajib dijaga sebagaimana kita diamanahkan untuk menjaga mata, telinga, mulut, kaki, tangan dan sebagainya daripada berbuat dosa dan maksiat.
Hati yang hitam ialah hati yang menjadi gelap kerana dosa. Setiap satu dosa yang dilakukan tanpa bertaubat itu akan menyebabkan terjadinya satu titik hitam pada hati. Itu baru satu dosa. Maka bayangkanlah bagaimana pula kalau sepuluh dosa? Seratus dosa? Seribu dosa? Alangkah hitam dan kotornya hati ketika itu.
Perkara ini jelas digambarkan dalam hadis Rasulullah bermaksud: “Siapa yang melakukan satu dosa, maka akan tumbuh pada hatinya setitik hitam, sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu daripada hatinya.
Jika dia tidak bertaubat, maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam.” (Hadis riwayat Ibn Majah).
Hadis ini selari dengan firman Allah yang bermaksud “Sebenarnya ayat-ayat Kami tidak ada cacatnya, bahkan mata hati mereka telah diseliputi kekotoran dosa dengan sebab perbuatan kufur dan maksiat yang mereka kerjakan.” (Surah al-Muthaffifiin, ayat 14).
Hati yang kotor dan hitam akan menjadi keras. Apabila hati keras, kemanisan dan kelazatan beribadat tidak dapat dirasakan. Ia akan menjadi penghalang kepada masuknya nur iman dan ilmu. Belajar sebanyak mana pun ilmu yang bermanfaat atau ilmu yang boleh memandu kita, namun ilmu itu tidak akan masuk ke dalam hati, kalau pun kita faham, tidak ada daya dan kekuatan kita untuk mengamalkannya.
Allah berfirman yang bermaksud “Kemudian selepas itu, hati kamu menjadi keras seperti batu, bahkan lebih keras lagi. Pada hal antara batu-batu itu ada yang terpancar dan mengalir sungai daripadanya, dan ada pula antaranya yang pecah-pecah terbelah lalu keluar mata air daripadanya.
“Dan ada juga antaranya yang jatuh ke bawah kerana takut kepada Allah sedang Allah tidak sekali-kali lalai daripada apa yang kamu kerjakan.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 74).
Begitulah Allah mendatangkan contoh dan menerangkan bahawa batu yang keras itu pun ada kalanya boleh mengalirkan air dan boleh terpecah kerana amat takutkan Allah.
Oleh itu, apakah hati manusia lebih keras daripada batu hingga tidak boleh menerima petunjuk dan hidayah daripada Allah.
Perkara yang paling membimbangkan ialah apabila hati mati akan berlakulah kemusnahan yang amat besar terhadap manusia.
Matinya hati adalah bencana dan malapetaka besar yang bakal menghitamkan seluruh kehidupan. Inilah natijahnya apabila kita lalai dan cuai mengubati dan membersihkan hati kita. Kegagalan kita menghidupkan hati akan dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Allah pada akhirat kelak.
Persoalannya sekarang, kenapa hati mati? Hati itu mati disebabkan perkara berikut:
Pertama: Hati mati kerana tidak berfungsi mengikut perintah Allah iaitu tidak mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada didikan dan ujian Allah.
Allah berfirman bermaksud “Maka kecelakaan besarlah bagi orang yang keras membatu hatinya daripada menerima peringatan yang diberi oleh Allah. Mereka yang demikian keadaannya adalah dalam kesesatan yang nyata.” (Surah al-Zumar, ayat 22).
Kedua: Hati juga mati jika tidak diberikan makanan dan santapan rohani sewajarnya. Kalau tubuh badan boleh mati kerana tuannya tidak makan dan tidak minum, begitulah juga hati.
Apabila ia tidak diberikan santapan dan tidak diubati, ia bukan saja akan sakit dan buta, malah akan mati akhirnya.
Santapan rohani yang dimaksudkan itu ialah zikrullah dan muhasabah diri.
Oleh itu, jaga dan peliharalah hati dengan sebaik-baiknya supaya tidak menjadi kotor, hitam, keras, sakit, buta dan mati. Gilap dan bersihkannya dengan cara banyak mengingati Allah (berzikir).
Firman Allah bermaksud “Iaitu orang yang beriman dan tenteram hati mereka dengan mengingati Allah. Ketahuilah! Dengan mengingati Allah itu tenang tenteramlah hati manusia.” (Surah al-Ra'd, ayat 28)
Firman-Nya lagi bermaksud “Hari yang padanya harta benda dan anak-anak tidak dapat memberikan sebarang pertolongan, kecuali harta benda dan anak-anak orang yang datang menghadap Allah dengan hati yang selamat sejahtera daripada syirik dan munafik.” (Surah al-Syura, ayat 88 - 89)
P/s=Kalau dulu di sekolah setiap malam jumaat membaca yassin berjemaah,seawal subuh membaca Al-Mathurat,saban malam ada bacaan zikir,semiggu sekali mendengar ceramah..kenapa mesti tidak diteruskan?
Saturday, February 21, 2004
3:44 PM
Again I cannot keep the promise I make to myself. No more blogging for you got work to finish. But here I am...writing something. I just cannot help it. I need to confess...Hi.I am Iryani...and I am a blog addict...Period.
Last week had been an unstable week for me. I somehow felt that I am losing control of my ownself.It freak me out when my progress report (for my Final project) had met a dead end. I am stuck. Deadlock. I went to library hoping so bad that I might get some answer...hoping that I might see some light at the end of the tunnel. I flipped thru more than a dozen books, read articles and journals until I start dreaming about reading them! My conscious self had influence my unconscious self...*grin* yet again I still at a dead end but with a little bit of hope. I thought that I might see some blinking light every now and then.
My room was in a mess, my table dah macam sarang tikus...and everything was way out of hand. My tension-pimples had been popping out uncontrollably.Argh...another issue that I have to deal with!
I have been searching for literature reviews in the internet endlessly to support my arguments but it keep getting harder and harder since our internet connection being up and down every few minutes.Damn...when I cannot put up with it I shutdown my PC, jumped on my bed and sleep.
Now here I am still with unfinished work. A bunch of questionnaires left unanalyzed, half a dozen books and references that have another three quarter potion to read and understand (that is the hardest part with all those terms and jargons),literature reviews *sigh*. I wish some miracle could happen, my report can be completed in a blink of an eye...*whoosh! ** tarra*...Its finish but I know and everybody knows that there is no way that it could happen.
~Do it slowly...consistent but slowly…you can finish it...we can finish it...~ my friends Ifa Ilia say to me just now. And I am going to cling to it. I just take a deep breath put a smile on my face... (do not is uplifting...go and as yoga gurus *wink*) and do it slowly. Just deal with everything else later.
P/s= It is nice to be at home...a good place to escape from the world.
Slamat Tahun Baru.Semoga tahun 1425H ini membawa perubahan dalam hidup. I want to be a better person..better than last year in every way.Much more hardworking,stronger,braver,firmer,sabar dan lebih berjaya dunia dan akhirat.Moga-moga doa akhir dan awal tahun yg saya bacakan ptg tadi diterima Allah.amin
Thursday, February 19, 2004
4:47 PM
Hujan lagi hari ini.Sejuk sudah mengigit sampai ke tulang.Mungkin kerana angin yang menderu-deru masuk dari tingkapku yang terbuka luas.Tutup tingkap? Tidak sekali-kali..bukan senang dapat menghirup udara segar dan sejuk disini.Besok hari baru akan menjelma.Yang paling mengembirakan adalah agenda besar aku esok selain berjumpa beberapa orang lecturer untuk follow up tentang beberapa projek dan tugasan dan juga menggumpul tenaga sebanyak mungkin untuk kelas Computer Vision & Image Processing pada tengah hari esok.Esok aku pulang!Senyum sudah selebar muka bila saja agenda itu diutarakan.Hati berbunga-bunga untuk pulang kerumah.Beban kerja yang tak terpikul saban hari buat aku rindu untuk pulang ke rumah.Di sana ada ketenangan. Biarpun serba kekurangan hati mudah tenang disana.Sederhana tapi cukup sempurna.Entah apa khabar koleksi kaktus ku dirumah?Hehehe..perjalanan 2 jam 30 minit dari sini ke rumah bukan satu halangan untuk aku pulang.Hatiku sudah berbunga riang…
3:36 PM
Apa itu rindu? Satu perasaan yang mengenang dan mengingati sesuatu yang pernah sedang hadir dalam kehidupan kita atau yang ingin benar kita temui dalam kehidupan kita yang mendatang. Ada sahabat yang berkata mengapa merindu?Perkara lalu tak akan berulang kembali.Dan perkara yang ingin ditemui tak akan datang hanya dengan keluh resah kita merindui. Aku kadang kadang kalah dalam permainan begini. Merindu pada siapa atau apa aku tidak pasti..mungkin juga pada perasan rindu itu sendiri..aku tak mengerti. Sedari dulu aku memang sukar mengertikan diri aku sendiri. Kata ibu perasaan ku terlalu sukar dimengertikan.Berubah mengikut waktu dan ketika.Moody.Tapi..tambah ibu jauh didalam hati anak ibu.. baik dan indah sekali..penuh dengan kasih sayang dan ketulusan . Tapi itu ibu..kata katanya penuh dengan pengertian dan kelembutan. Aku selalu terfikir apa kan aku lakukan tanpa ibu.Nasihatnya walau pun kadang kala singkat tapi kesannya terbenam di hati.Aku jadi rindu pada ibu seketika.Katakan lah aku anak manja aku tak peduli kerna ibuku hanya satu.Dialah yang pertama die jua lah yang terakhir selamanya
p/s=bila hati kecil berkata-kata...
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
9:51 AM
mmm..I will be very busy with my project after this..maybe tak akan post ape-ape dalam masa terdekat nie..but feel free to post ur comments(just click hyperlink "comment") or opinion or just drop me a message in shoutbox or my email...
Info_yani:Quote by Khalil Gibran..When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.
3:19 AM
"I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?
Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend."
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
11:12 AM
1.. Did you know that bees have 4 wings?
2.. The honeybee's wings stroke 11,400 times per minute, thus making
their distinctive buzz.
3.. A bee flies at a rate of about 12 miles per hour.
4.. How many eyes does a honeybee have? Five.
5.. The queen bee is the busiest in the summer months, when the hive
needs to be at its maximum strength. She will lay about 1,000 to 1,500
eggs per day.
6.. In the cold winter months, bees will leave the hive only to take
a short cleansing flight. They are fastidious about the cleanliness of
their hive.
7.. Honeybees do not die out over the winter. They feed on the honey
they collected during the warmer months and patiently wait for spring. They
form a tight cluster in their hive to keep the queen and themselves warm.
8.. It takes 35 pounds of honey to provide enough energy for a small
colony of bees to survive the winter.
9.. Honeybee colonies have unique odors that members flash like
identification cards at the hive's front door. All the individual bees
in a colony smell enough alike so that the guard bees can identify them.
Amazing Facts...About The Work of the Honeybee
1.. The honeybee is not born knowing how to make honey; the younger
bees are taught by the more experienced ones.
2.. A honeybee visits between 50 and 100 flowers during one
collection flight from the hive.
3.. In order to produce 1 pound of honey, 2 million flowers must be
4.. A hive of bees must fly 55,000 miles to produce a pound of honey.
5.. One bee colony can produce 60 to 100 pounds of honey per year.
6.. An average worker bee makes only about 1/12 teaspoon of honey in
its lifetime.
7.. At the peak of the honey-gathering season, a strong, healthy hive
will have a population of approximately 50,000 bees.
8.. It would take approximately 1 ounce of honey to fuel a bee's
flight around the world.
9.. Honey is the primary food source for the bee. The reason
honeybees are so busy collecting nectar from flowers and blossoms is to make
sufficient food stores for their colony over the winter months. The
nectar is converted to honey by the honeybee and stored in the wax honeycomb.
Amazing Facts...about Honey and Your Health
1.. Honey contains vitamins and antioxidants, but is fat free,
cholesterol free and sodium free!
2.. One antioxidant called "pinocembrin" is only found in honey.
3.. Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary
to sustain life, including water.
4.. Honey has the ability to attract and absorb moisture, which makes
it remarkably soothing for minor burns and helps to prevent scarring.
5.. Honey speeds the healing of open wounds and also combats
6.. As recently as the First World War, honey was being mixed with
cod liver oil to dress wounds on the battlefield.
7.. Modern science now acknowledges honey as an anti-microbial agent,
which means it deters the growth of certain types of bacteria, yeast
and molds.
8.. Honey and beeswax form the basics of many skin creams, lip-balms,
and hand lotions.
9.. According to Dr. Paul Gold, a Professor of Psychology at the
University of Virginia, "people remember things much better after
they've consumed glucose, a form of sugar found in honey."
10.. Honey is nature's energy booster! It provides a concentrated
energy source that helps prevent fatigue and can boost athletic performance.
11.. Recent studies have proven that athletes who took some honey
before and after competing recovered more quickly than those who did not.
12.. Honey supplies 2 stages of energy. The glucose in honey is
absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost. The fructose
is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy.
yani_info :More than 1,400 years ago Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him),told us that honey can heal a variety of medicinal problems.
Allah says in the Qur'an, "And the lord inspired the bee, saying: Take
your habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect.
Then,eat of all fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for
you)'.There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying colour wherein
is healing for men. Verily in this is indeed a sign for people who think."
[Qur'an 16:68-69]
The Prophet has also told us of the healing found within honey for a
variety of medical problems, including stomach ailments. One hadeeth,
reported by Bukhari, states that a man came to the Prophet , because
his brother had a stomach disorder. The Prophet said "Let him drink
The man returned a second time and again the Prophet , responded
again, "Let him drink honey." The man returned again, and said "I have done
that." The Prophet then responded, "Allah has said the truth, but your
brother's stomach has told a lie. Let him drink honey." He drank it and was
Tirmizi, Ibn Majah and Baihaqi also reported that the Prophet, said,
"Make use of the two remedies: honey and the Qur'an."(
Monday, February 16, 2004
3:12 PM
Jumlah pakar forensik komputer yang sedikit di negara ini tidak dapat memberi jaminan 100 peratus sistem rangkaian Internet negara berada dalam keadaan selamat daripada serangan penceroboh sistem rangkaian komputer atau serangan siber.
Menurut Pengarah Pusat Tindak Balas Kecemasan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Kebangsaan (Niser), Lt Kolonel Husin Jazri setakat ini negara kita hanya mempunyai 20 orang pakar dalam bidang ini. Satu statistik yang mengejutkan. Kenapa dalan ribuan lepasan-lepasan universiti dan kolej jumlah ini masih tidak dapat bertambah?.Memanglah untuk menjadi seorang pakar dalam bidang ini banyak masa dah pengalaman dalam bidang ini diperlukan tapi I never expect that we only have 20 of them!
Last semester,saya ada menghadiri satu talk on Network Security focusing in banks scenario; oleh Ketua Network Security untuk Bank **** Dia ade kata yang the most demanding job in this industry are network security personnel (2nd highest paid) and database specialist (database the heart of the system..the highest paid).But because of the network security jobs is a 24/7 job,on-call, high pressure and very risky people don’t want to take this job as their profession. Apart from the small number of network specialist dekat negara kite hanya sebilangan kecil daripadanya adalah pakar forensik komputer.
So kat mane silapnya dalam pada negara kita sibuk dengan projek mega MSC nyer yang mencanangkan keuntungan dah pembangunan yang mengalakkan dalam bentuk pulangan dan keuntungan kenapa bidang pendidikan IT tak berkembang sama.Kalau ada pun berkembang dari segi jumlah pelajarnya sahaja.Kuantiti bukan kualiti.Salah pendekatankah?silap pemilihan syllabus kah?Kurang pendedahankah?
Mari kita sama-sama fikirkan.
info_yani:Pakar forensik komputer bertanggungjawab untuk mengendalikan bahan bukti terhadap pencerobohan rangkaian sistem komputer,kumpul bukti,siasat,try solve case yang ade more or less macam CSI.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
6:59 AM
I’ve been rearranging old picture lately. Most of it is left untouched for several years (I’m talking about a very...very old one). Pictures taken more than 10 years ago. I even make a softcopy for all the pictures as a backup in case termites make the hardcopy disappeared...Hehehe. (Still in progress) so...I still have ¾ pictures more to scan. People said that people came into our life and go, some leave footprints in our heart and some not. This person that I want to talk about had leave footprints all over my heart and still is...heheh...It’s my bestest cousin ever. Our very own cik Wan Amira. When we were little we used to fight over several things..clothes, toys (I remember her little handbag.), what else. There’s more...never been a dull moment back then. It seems that we tend to like the same things... Anyway when ever we fight we make up quickly..silly fight hehehe.I used to come down to her house in Ampang a lot. When it’s time to say goodbye both of use will cry...silly me...Hehehe.Well we been good friends since then primary school, secondary school and also at university level. We even study at the same university now! That’s coincidence because we submit our application separately without each other knowledge about it *grin*.Probably if I didn’t turn down the offer to MRSM and go to Soksek we might end up at the same high school too:). We also went to the same company for our industrial training; PETRONAS but in a different department and level. She’s in level 61 while I’m at level 63.Kalau nak cerita banyak-banyak sampai biler pon tak abis.Even in “friendster” we talk about it.
Nice having you in my life.
6:41 AM
(Realize the Value)
To realize
The value of a parent
Ask someone who doesn't have one.
To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask someone with a pacemaker.
To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask a worker who didn't get paid.
To realize
value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realize
The value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics
To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one.
To realize the value of you:
Help someone
Saturday, February 14, 2004
5:21 AM
Today my friends and I are having our breakfast in Siputeh. It is a small area near Parit (correct me if I’m wrong…after 4 years I still can’t figure out the topography of this area..). It is just a small wooden shop located in the owner house area. If you never been to this shop you probably never realize that it is there because from outside you can never guess it look just like somebody house. I fell in love with this shop almost immediately as I step in for the first time. I just love everything that traditionally build..Restoran Nelayan..Tok Senik Resort Langkawi. (well enough about what i like *grin*).I only get to know about this shop from my friend’s friend.
Probably because I was born and raise in kampung I feel so comfortable with the surrounding area that look more like a shop in the late 60’s. This shop only opens until 12pm because it only sells breakfast foods. Let me describe the shop for you...It is a small wooden shop with 7 wooden, home-made tables. Built entirely by wood and even used antics stuff as accessories such as old fashion radio, pelita minyak tanah,antics suitcase and also several pictures hanging on the wall with the image of songket and batik design. They event provide surat khabar jawi! Most of their customer are fixed customer because makcik and pakcik (the owner) seem to know everybody that walk in to their shop accept us hehehe...
The food is good. Lots of choices for morning starter.(For those who like bengkang,buah melaka,cucur badak,apam,tepung bungkus,kueh koci,lepat..It’s a bonus). For anybody that would like to escape from a hectic life in campus and tonnes of unfinished assignments on the table this could probably be a nice place to relax. Throw yourself back to the past for a while and come back rejuvenate, fresh and with a full tummy!*wink*
Info_yani = The traditional Malay house is one of the richest components of Malay
sia’s cultural heritage. Designed and built by the villagers themselves, it mani-
fests the creative and aesthetic skills of the Malays. This is a near-perfect
houseform which is appropriate to local climatic conditions and expresses the
way of life of its inhabitants.
The house is extremely well designed to suit the warm and humid
Malaysian climate and for the multifunctional use of space. Its design is also
flexible as it caters to the widely different needs of the users and it has an
addition system which allows the house to be extended to meet the growing
needs of each family.
Friday, February 13, 2004
4:26 PM
2:09 AM
I wake up today with a headache. I sleep late last night.Not that I’m not use to sleep late trying to finish assignments and projects when the dateline is just around the corner, it just that I haven’t done it for quite sometimes and it a bit of a shock to my body..i guess. The reason that I stay up late because I was trying to reach my brother that stay a million miles away from here but with latest technology geographical barrier is not a problem ( IT gadgets!). My father been calling me a few times for the previous day asking me whether i’m able to reach my brother yet through the Internet since I’m the one with 24 hours access to the Net in the family. This is because of the problems that he had with MARA. Late payment to university had create some sort of a mess to him when he been barred from using university facilities. (I don’t know how often MARA student having this kind of problem..I’m not in their I can’t comment on that)Can you imagine being barred from using labs and library when your assigmnents due another two days! Call was made to MARA KL to asked for his status and MARA KL quickly contacted MARA London (thanks again to the super cool gadget..everyhings don’t in split sec...hehehe). I don’t know what the problem because at that time all his friends from other universities nearby had already get their payment. Probably a glitch in their system? Missing a small data in database system can really create problems..and chaos (the dark side of using bits n bytes..*wink*)But I don’t know. Everythings is OK now.He already get back all access to university facilities. I don’t actually remember when I fall asleep.My PC is still on when I wake up this morning.
Well.. I should probably call my father and let him know now.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
2:59 PM
You should always learn, with life comes wisdom and with wisdom comes the courage to live your life selflessly. The more you learn about yourself and the experiences surrounding your life the more opportunities you have to make your life better and more fulfilling.
"All stories teach us something, and promise us something, whether they're true or invented, legend or fact "
Let’s now here my story of what happen to me today…………perhaps you and I could learn something.
I woke up today as usual. Terus keluar bilik pergi dapur masak air. Nice to have hot chocolate early in the morning. Switch on the kettle. Get back to my room. Tide up my bed and open window for fresh air (did I mention I got a room with the nicest view in UTP?..Hehe).Check my timetable to confirm when did my class start. I have a problem of never remember my timetable all the time, that’s why I always check and carried a copy with me everyday. Today my class start at 10am..Small Business & Entrepreneurship and afterwards I got Research, evaluation and Management. Got plenty of time. Open my MIRC.Connect to UTP server check whether my friends already online or not. (If she is I know that she’s already wake up if not I need to remind her, vice versa).Download a few mp3 or movies from the server to kill my time. Make myself a glass of hot choc makan ngan biskut.When to class up till 12 o’clock. Arrive late for my research, evaluation and Management class. Having car park problem.Nak park dekat sket dengan Pocket D takut Pak Guard saman. All the cars parked around that area already get ‘surat cinta” from Pak Guard.
“Many of life's circumstances are created by three basic choices: the disciplines you choose to keep, the people you choose to be with; and, the laws you choose to obey. “
End up parking dekat hostel. By that time I’m late for 20 minutes. Had my lunch and when to lab session for Advance Database. Lab when smoothly. It’s the introductory lab so the assignment is OK (the difficult one will come eventually... trust me). Learned to use Oracle 9i. Start with ERD database…converts to Object Oriented design. and develop the database using Oracle 9i using SQL statements. The lab session ends on time.
Have a quick thought to meet my supervisor to discuss several things regarding my final year project but looking at my wrist watch it’s already 5pm.She probably on the way back so I cancelled my plan. Having tea with friends at village4 café. Talk about the usual stuff and called it a day.
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle The other is as though everything is a miracle. "
11:20 AM
Masih belum habis membaca From Beruit to Jerusalem. Sudah banyak kali tertangguh belum ada kelapangan untuk sambung semula pembacaan yang terbantut. Penulis buku ini seorang doktor berbangsa Cina dilahirkan di Malaysia tetapi di besarkan di Singapura dan menetap di Britain. Terdetik hati ke bumi Palestin atas rasa kemanusiaan yang menebal biar pun diri disogokkan dengan idea bahawa orang Palestin-muslim-terrorist. Tetapi bila berada di bumi yang sarat dengan derita itu pandangannya berubah. Melihatkan kedaifan hidup masyarakat Palestin yang hidup terbuang di bumi sendiri tapi tetap kaya dengan budi dan kesopanan (biarpun rumah terbakar,dinding rumah berlubang akibat muntahan peluru sesat dan berlantaikan tanah tetamu tetap di layan baik..sekurang-kurangnya mesti diberikan walau seteguk air).Kem Sabra dan Shatila menjadi rumah kedua penulis.
Penderitaan yang terlalu lama ditanggung oleh rakyat Palestin tidak mungkin boleh digambarkan dengan kata-kata.Mungkin bagi sesetengah orang hal ini sudah menjadi berita basi tapi penderitaan mereka tetap berterusan. Ada ibu kepada tujuh anak mati ditembak tatkala mendapatkan rumput untuk diberi makan kepada anak-anaknya yang kelaparan amat sangat.Ada jugak yang matinya dengan berpuluh-puluh butir peluru di badan,jadi perisai melindungi insan tersayang. Mereka jadi pelarian dibumi sendiri. Bayangkan diri kita bila rumah yang kita diami sekarang dirampas kasar dari kita...sakit hati?kecewa?...ratus ribu kali lebih kecewa rakyat Palestin bila tanah tumpah darah sendiri direntap kasar.Hospital sudah terlalu padat dengan pesakit yang tak terrawat.Ada doktor yang terduduk menangis tersedu-sedu bila tidak berdaya lagi untuk menyelamatkan mangsa yang datang bagai air yang mencurah setiap kali serangan keatas kem Sabra dan Shatila.
Ketika penulis bersama beberapa pembantu perubatan ke tanah Palestin untuk memberi keterangan atas serangan Israel kepada kem sabra dan Shatila yang mana mereka tidak mengaku bersalah puluhan rakyat Palestin berpesan...“tolong ciumkan Tanah Palestin untuk kami..tolong tengokkan tempat kelahiran kami....“
Kem sabra dan Shatila menyimpan cerita sedih,derita,kekuatan dan kecintaan rakyat Palestin pada agama dan tanah air. Ada sahabat yang berkata , sepanjang pembacaan dia terpaksa mengingatkan diri berkali-kali bahawa ini adalah kisah benar kerana cerita derita mereka terlalu dahsyat untuk difikirkan,terlalu dahsyatt untuk percaya ia berlaku dan terlalu dahsyat untuk manusia berbuat sebegitu terhadap manusia.Semoga derita dan kepedihan mereka segera berakhir.Kejayaan akan datang pada orang-orang yang bersabar.
P/s – akan truskan membace bila ada kelapangan..blom habih bace lagi.
10:31 AM
Saya baru sahaja membaca sebuah tulisan daripada Harun Yahya; Bagaimana Muslim berfikir?,seorang penulis dari Istanbul Turki yang tulisannya sudah di terjemah ke bahasa Inggeris dan Melayu.
Saya begitu tertarik dengan satu dari tajuk-tajuk kecik nya yang berbunyi Khayalan yang Tidak Bermanafaat. Kata beliau
(Ketidakmampuan dalam mengendalikan pikiran ke arah yang baik akan mengakibatkan seseorang seringkali merasa khawatir atau mengalami peristiwa-peristiwa yang sebenarnya belum terjadi seolah-olah telah terjadi dalam benaknya, dan terseret dalam kesedihan, kekhawatiran dan ketakutan)
Saya teringat pada keadaan bilamana kita selalu risau dah resah tentang perkara perkara yang belum berlaku atau diluar kuasa kita sebagai individu dan manusia biasa.Kita selalu risau bila kita perlu menghadapi peperiksaan penting kita sudah mula berfikir.Boleh lulus ke?Boleh ke nak dapat A?Kalau tak lulus buat , duit-duit yang dilaburkan untuk belajar itu membazir kah?Malu la nanti kalau kita tak lulus tapi kawan karib kita cemerlang?
Kita akan terus berkhayal seperti ini yang mana kalau di kira kan dan di catatkan lebih banyak khayalan yang membuang masa dari memikirkan perkara yang bermanafaat.
"Dan aku (syaitan) benar-benar akan menyesatkan mereka, dan akan membangkitkan angan-angan kosong pada mereka ..." (QS. An-Nisaa’, 4: 119)
Allah telah memberikan jalan keluar dari keadaan yang buruk ini. Dalam Al-Qur'an, ketika niat-niat jahat syaitan melingkupi manusia, mereka dianjurkan untuk minta perlindungan kepada Allah dan mengingat-Nya:
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertakwa bila mereka ditimpa was-was dari syaitan, mereka ingat kepada Allah, maka ketika itu juga mereka melihat kesalahan-kesalahannya. Dan teman-teman mereka (orang-orang kafir dan fasik) membantu syaitan-syaitan dalam menyesatkan dan mereka tidak henti-hentinya (menyesatkan)" (QS. Al-A’raaf, 7: 201-202)
Khayalan kosong akan membawa diri kita jauh daripada Maha Pencipta. Khayalan-khayalan semacam ini tidak akan mendatangkan manfaat kepada manusia. Bahkan sebaliknya, membuat kita tidak memikirkan tentang kebenaran, hal-hal yang penting; dan mencegah kebersihan akal dari segala hal yang sia-sia. Manusia mampu berpikir secara benar jika akalnya telah bebas dari pikiran yang sia-sia dan tidak bermanfaat.Daripada memikir kan perkara perkara yang diluar kemampuan kita kita itu lebih baik lakukan sesuatu agar kita dapat menghindarkannya.Jika takut tidak lulus ujian maa berlajarlah lebih tekun, jika risau malu sahabat lebih cemerlang rapatkanlah diri dengan mereka belajar bersama agar sama-sama cemerlang. Berfikir tentang perkara yang tak pasti akan membuat kita hanyut dalam dunia yang tidak pernah wujud. Di alam realiti kita akan tertinggal lebih jauh dari yang kita sangkakan.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
2:17 PM
I went back home last weekend.bringing with me a few last semester books to dump in my room. Buku dah bertambah banyak tapi space nak simpan buku dah tak ada. I thought of buying another rack book.But thinking back..I think I need a drastic act to handle all my books.Kalau beli another rack pun sooner or later tak akan cukup space balik plus I'm sharing this room with my sister.
Aku paling banyak beli buku masa aku practical dekat KLCC Dec2002-Jun 2003(betul tak? Jun ke Julai tak baper ingat la).When you doing practical at the heart of KL,in the tallest building in the world yang kat bawah die ader shooping mall what do you expect?Clothes grabbing..(tu yang duit elaun asyik habis tue) Hehhe..Kinokuniya automatically become my second office.So does The Specialist and MPH.(but I like Kinokuniya more *wink)I didn't buy books often but once I buy it will be at least 2.I remember 1 time I bought 4 book and it school holiday..such a bad timing..KLCC was full of school kids but LRT even worse.Getting in LRT at 5.3o pm is a bad choice.Penuh sangat..macam sardin..In this kind of situation you need to use both of your hand in LRT.One to guard you bag from pickpocket and another for your body la nak pegang tiang besi dlm LRT tu ke..pegang dinding LRT ke...Aku pula kene pegang my kinokuniya's books plus another plastic bag of buns..Roti boy..bau die semerbak..satu opis boleh bau.Mase tu seme staff kat office makan roti tu.My aunties request so I buy 4 buns(xxl size besar macam roti mexico).Not just that I also carrry with me a laptop that I used for my work in the office.4 book + 4 Roti boy + laptop + my bag = overloded.Taking LRT from 'KLCC to Taman Bahagia' seem like forever that day.
Well back to my real story regarding my room.I did a few rearranging of furnitures and redecorating to my room.It's OK for now.All my book are well kept and there also still more space for my sister *wink*.Hopefully she didn't freak out when she got back for scholl break.:)
1:40 PM
Sometimes staring at a primary school girl, it is like staring at a vision of myself that I had not seen for a long time. It might seem a trivial incident to most people but at the moment when we stood seperated by a divide of 30m and 13 years my memory travel back to my entire span of primary school day.(13 tahun..lebih sedekad tue..)I suddendly felt old at the age of 22.
Primary school memories seemed a blur to me now.The dream I had as a child in white stretched shirt and blue pinefore (then baju prefect..putih skirt maroon... baju kurung skolah dengan tudung..etc) were so far away.The fun things taht we did at school field or canteen are equally distant.Nowadays my dream things are practical ones like graduating with flying color from UTP,get a nice job,earned a good salary,a great husband and a good family.
Compared to the dream of being a beautiful princess trap in a tower guarded by evil step mom the save by a handsome prince,to a good education and a great life seem mighty boring indeed.
Old people always look at younger people;make those complaints that young people are always inhurry to grow up.How irritatingly true! Even more or so now,with primary school kid spend most of their time indoor attending tuitions and classes,playing mindless computer games it doesn't take long before she turns into a mop haired pimply legat adult who sleep most of the day.And for what?
I have forgotten what it feel to get up in the morning and look forward to going to school because school meant I could play with friends,sharing and exchanging secret notes or even imagine I was a Planneteer with a ring on my finger that could shoot flames. a typical fun for a 22 years old would be probably involve going to movie,window shopping at malls and eating out with friends.Somehow it just doesn't compare does it?Maybe it is the fact that our expectations of fun have grown moldy.
This is it.I have growing up and this is the way it is going to be from now on.Or is it? I refuse to believe that I will someday completely forgetwhat it is like to be eight years old school girl.I refuse to grow worn-out and be cynical about life.
12:46 PM
This is a nice poem written by a famous Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska.Dapat dari Chinese movie "Turn right turn left"
Both are convinced
that a sudden surge of emotion bond them together
Beautiful is such a certainty but
uncertainty is more beautiful,
because they didn't know each other earlier
they suppose that nothing was happening between them
what of the streets,stairways and corridors
where they could have
passed each other long ago?
I like to ask them whether they remember
~perhaps in a revolving door even being face to face?
an'excuse me' in the crowd
or a voice 'wrong number' in the reciever
but I know their answer
no, they don't remember
they'd be greatly astonished
to learn that for a long time
chance had been playing with them
not yet wholly ready
to transform into fate for them
it approach them
then backed off
stood in their way
and suppressing a giggle
jumped to the side